Sunday, October 23, 2022

Happy Birthday "His Yankee Wife"!

It's a book called "His Yankee Wife", and it's 5 years old today.

Sometimes, it surprises me when I look back on writing a book, because during the 3 years of writing and researching, I practically lived in Kentucky and Tennessee during the American Civil War. I immersed myself in the culture, read diaries of those who lived on Shiloh Battle Field during the war, listened to music from the time period, and drove my family a little crazy. LOL I even went to a reenactment of the battle at Carnifex Ferry.

Once in a while I come across one of the songs I purchased for research sake, and I just have to shake my head. Maybe I drove myself a little crazy. :)

But I cannot deny the fact that it all helped to create a story. The book is about 400 and some pages, and I think it is one of my best. But maybe all authors say that about their Babies.

If you have read "His Yankee Wife" let's talk about it. Did you enjoy the fact that I included persons with disabilities or did it surprise you? What did you think of Dixie? Could you hear those cannons thundering across the field?

To those who have not read it, have I caught your interest yet?

Sure I have. :) Go and check it out on Amazon. I dare ya.

Monday, October 17, 2022

October Ramblings

My 14-year-old and I attended the funeral of a cousin today. The deceased was only 32. Her mother and grandmother's pain was hard to witness.

My husband turned our baseboard heaters on in our kitchen for the first time since last winter. It is too warm in the house, so they haven't actually turned on yet. I'm wishing they would go ahead and heat up, so the smell can go away before I go to bed. I hate waking up to the smell of hot baseboard heaters; it makes me think the house is on fire.

I have a paper due on Friday. It is an exegesis, and right now it is 15 pages long. It's on the account of Jacob, Rachel and Leah from Genesis 29:21-35. The class I'm taking right now is on the Pentateuch. I have 6 chapters I should read this week plus 2 more assignments. The last day of this class is Oct. 30. I can't wait.

Our male cat keeps jumping behind our tv cabinet and unplugging the wireless router, effectively turning off our internet. It's annoying, but all he wants is to hide from our female cat. I mean, you can't blame him, but…

"Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil." (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 KJV).

I'm glad I can leave it all in the hands of the faithful Creator. He is Alpha and Omega, beginning and end, author and finisher of our faith, first and last. He is able. And His mercies and compassions fail not. No one can bless what He has cursed; no one can curse what He has blessed. Amen and Amen.

Came home after the funeral and watched an episode of Wife Swap with my youngest. One of the men on there said he was going to pray. After a short prayer-like saying, he said, "And so be it." Kind of funny at first, but I'm thankful for Not my will but thine, O Lord.

Prayers for you all, and thank you for keeping up with this blog. I know I don't write as much as I used to.