Have you noticed that the question, "How are you?" Is asked in a hurry these days? We pass a person and shout out, "How are ya?" But we don't bother to stick around for the answer. I guess we assume all is well, because the person is sitting or standing right there. We can see them, and they look ok.
Well, y'all, sometimes I'm not ok. *Gasp* Yeah, I'll admit it. Sometimes, I just want to go back to bed and forget about adulting today. It's not that I am ungrateful or that it's been a bad day. In fact, now that my tummy is full and my kids are home, I feel mighty blessed.
Did you catch that about my tummy being full? Um, yeah, that's one of my problems. I've been hungry all day, and it wasn't until I was full that I stopped feeling sorry for myself. Oh, I have plenty here at my house; it just wasn't what I wanted. LOL
Speaking of the house… as a blind person, I can't stand things in the way. But I got teenagers who see no problem with their stuff strewn every whichway. This creates problems such as knocked over water bottles, laundry leaking into the freezer when I tried to pull out some frozen waffles, and cabbinet doors wide open when they should be shut. Seems like I'm constantly asking, "Who's water is that!"
Finally, dinnertime approached. I called and had it delivered. Pizza, cheese fries with ranch dressing, and a sprite for me. Girls had wings. It's just me and the girls until Saturday, so I also ordered groceries online to be delivered. Now I have milk that isn't bad and more stuff to go in the freezer. Here's hoping the eldest teen will rearrange the laundry basket, so I don't accidentally grab a teeshirt instead of the Eggos. LOL
I'm taking an online class, and an assignment was due today. Sometimes, I feel as if I am copying and pasting this quote or that, having no idea if it will sound good. The funny part is, when I'm ready to turn it in, somehow, thank you, Lord, it makes sense. Ain't God good?
Tomorrow I plan to go shopping for yarn. That always helps me feel better. I want to make a gift for a good friend of mine. She blessed me this week with a birthday gift that is going to make sermon preparation so much easier. I hope to make something that will bless her. Knitting and crocheting difficult things seems to help me put things into perspective.
Yesterday, when all this stress started to get to me, I got a notification that a Bible app had updated their verse of the day. The verse it literally put under this blind lady's fingertips was Jeremiah 29:11. The KJV says, "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end."
It was a message straight from the throne room. First, God thinks about me. Second, He has plans for me, and He knows what they are. Third, His thoughts are thoughts of peace. I know this verse talks about the exiles in Babylon coming back after seventy years, but God's Word is the living Word, and you can take the part you don't understand up with Him.
Y'all be good and pray for me.