Tuesday, September 6, 2022

One Blessed Day

It was a day full of blessings. With my help and a little extra help from Alexa, my youngest and I figured out how to do her math, God answered a few prayers, I finished the reading for this week's college class, and… Y'all ready for this? I started working on 2 separate manuscripts that I began writing years ago. Yep, one blessed day!

I have not worked seriously on a manuscript since I started taking classes in May of 2021. I was almost at the point of forgetting about being an author. Then, boom! Conversations, ideas and events started winding their way around in my head. The 2 stories are connected, as one is the sequel of the other. Both are nearly finished. In fact, I was announcing that one would be finished some time in 2020, but we all know what happened then.

Anyway, I don't know how long I can keep up homeschooling, taking college classes and writing on 2 fiction stories, but I'm ecstatic that I have clear direction for my characters.

One particular paragraph I wrote today makes me smile. Lemme know whatcha think.

(In my mind's eye I could still see her walking up the road in those four-inch heels, the breeze catching her skirt and swirling it around those amazing legs. She had worn a light shawl about her shoulders and carried a small purse in her hand. She was a vision in sky blue with curls framing her face, and I wished for all the world that she was not coming to meet my family but to spend the entire evening in my arms.)

The woman he loves is coming over, and I can't wait to finish this scene. <3

But now I'm getting tired and thinking it's time to start winding down. Tomorrow will have new mercies, for God's compassion never fails. Great is His faithfulness.

Be blessed.

A Children's Book and A Memory

A memory popped up in my Facebook newsfeed this morning. Three years ago today, I signed a contract with my publisher for a children's book that I wrote way back in 2015. Now it is available for purchase on Amazon. It's called, "Windy Blabs and His Bad Mouth", and I first shared it with the kids in my youth group. They loved it so much, I decided to put the story in a book for everyone..

I got the idea from an old Sunday school lesson from my childhood. On that long-ago Sunday morning, our teacher took us outside to have class on the front steps of the church. It was a small country church, and no cars passed by while we sat there in the shade and learned how God heals and transforms us from the inside out.

I hope you enjoy Windy's story.

And, now, I think I need to get back to my class work and assist my 14-year-old in getting started with her homeschool. Time's a-wastin'!
